Burning Ones x Israel

Burning Ones wasn’t started with a ministry organization in mind, or some kind of influential brand initiative. It began with hearts that got wrecked in the presence of God together, and rose from the place of intimate history with God to be fully given over to God’s desire to see His eternal purpose accomplished. The eyes of the Lord are searching to and fro throughout the earth, looking for a heart that is fully His, on behalf of who He can show Himself strong.

In March 2023, I had the opportunity to visit Israel for the 2nd time in my life, this time with my then-pregnant wife. With our baby girl soon due in July, we focused on preparing for that life-changing moment. Consequently, the footage and photos from our trip remained untouched for months. However, on October 7th, after the tragic attack by Hamas unfolded in the region, I desired to contribute to the conversation differently by highlighting the beauty of Israel to stir up compassion and intercession for its & surrounding peoples and express a longing for the return of Jesus, who will soon return to bring eternal peace to both Jew & Arab.



Oceanside, California